C++ on Sea includes two days dedicated to instructor-led workshops or classes. This page lays out the expectations and compensation for instructors.
What's a Workshop?
It's a bit of an overloaded term, so it's worth clarifying. Here we're using it in the most general way. Think of it as an all-day session led by a single instructor (although joint applications are also possible, of course). That could be primarily lecture-based (like a series of conference talks) but would generally be much more interactive. At the very least the audience are usually expected to follow along with demos on their own laptops - usually with downloadable code samples, environments, or other course materials.
Often the attendees will be given exercises they should attempt to complete on their own (with help on offer) before a solution is presented and discussed - but this is up to the instructor and their material.
If you would like to run something very different to this we are open to different ideas. Drop us a line if you're not sure.
Compensation and Expenses
This section only applies to full-day workshop instructors. Tickets will sell for £425 (+VAT=£510) for one day and £800 (+VAT=£960) for two day workshops. This year we're offering instructors a flat 50% of (pre-VAT) sales - ie £212.50 or £400 per (paying) person. Note that early-bird rates do not apply to workshop day pricing.
As for normal conference speakers your travel and accommodation expenses can be covered - according to our expenses policy.
Sessions will begin at 10:00 and run to 18:00 (or a little earlier of later if you need), with a 45 minute break for lunch and three 15-minute breaks (one in the morning, two in the afternoon). Please note that this year workshops will take place after the main conference - on Thursday and Friday.
Volunteers & Students
Volunteers for the main conference and students will be able to participate in the classes at a discounted price. We do not expect many of either per class (usually one or two per room). When present, volunteers may also be able to help with any on-the-ground issues that arise during the workshop.
To submit a proposal for a workshop, visit the Call for Speakers page.