We follow the Berlin Code of Conduct, which is used by many other events in our community and beyond.

Code of Conduct Team

A team is assembled prior to each event and may vary from year-to-year (but usually has some common members). The current team can be reached on the following email alias:

Only members of the team, at the time, receive emails sent to this address.

The current membership is:

  • Nara Morrison
  • Phil Nash
  • Violetta Nash

This list will be kept updated.


The Code of Conduct, itself, is concerned with incidents that may occur at or around the event, itself. Incidents outside of C++ on Sea events may lead to questions of safety. While such incidents are not covered by the Code of Conduct they may be discussed by the organisers and/ or the Code of Conduct team which may lead to appropriate action being taken if a threat to the safety of attendees is considered possible.