Full schedule now available
We're thrilled to announce that the full schedule for the conference has now been finalised and published. Of course, when I say, "finalised", that doesn't mean it definitely won't change again, but I don't expect much movement.
You'll notice that day two (Tuesday) has four tracks. As mentioned before, the response was so great that we felt we had to put on an extra track. Note, also, the Lightning Talks at the end of day one. We'll take submissions for that closer to the time of the conference - or at the conference.
If you haven't done so already, please sign up for update emails (very occasional) and/ or subscribe the RSS feed for news. This is the best way to be kept up-to-date (as well as to find out when those all-important Lightning Talk submissions open!)
The first track slot of each day is a 90 minute session. The rest are 60 minutes. Most of the breaks are 30 minutes to give sufficient unpacking downtime and/ or socialising and networking - which we consider one of the most important and rewarding parts of any good conference.
Tickets are available now.