We're pleased to offer a scheme for students to gain low-cost access to the conference. This page describes the requirements and what is being offered

What is the student rate?

Students will pay £99 (inc VAT) for access to the main conference, and £99 (inc VAT) for workshops. This is a substantial saving on the full price!

Who qualifies as a student?

Anyone formally recognised as being in full-time education. This would include full-time college and university students. Online or correspondent students may also qualify if it can be demonstrated that the education is full-time (and the student is not working in a full-time position). While reasonable appeals will be entertained, the final decision as to whether a student is deemed as being in full-time rests with the organisers.

Minors in full-time education at school also qualify if accompanied by a responsible adult.

We have not set a limit on the number of students that may apply, but we reserve the right to pause, or cap the offer at any time.

You may also apply as a volunteer, for which you will get free access to the main conference, but will also have some responsibilities.

How do I apply?

Please complete this form.