C++ on Sea 2023 attendees chatting in the exhibition area

If you represent a company (or even an individual) interested in sponsoring C++ on Sea, welcome! This page sets out the options available. Please note that all prices on this page are exclusive of UK VAT.


Tiered packages progressively add features, so Gold includes all the features of Silver and Bronze, for example.

Click the disclosure arrows for more details of each benefit.


add any of

Video Sponsorship Packages

All talks are recorded and will eventually be made available on YouTube (note that, due to technical incidents, one or two sessions may not make it to YouTube).

At time of writing we have 13.7K subscribers. For our 2023 videos we averaged around 13k views per video.

We have three forms of video sponsorship available:

(Note: in rare cases a speaker may opt out of sponsorship materials on their videos.)

Speakers Dinner

Gala dinner at the Leas Cliff Hall

We hold a gala dinner in the venue, with views over the sea. Attendees may purchase tickets for the dinner, but all speakers receive a free ticket - so most will be present.

Gala dinner at the Leas Cliff Hall

This sponsorship involves covering approximately half of the cost of the speakers. In return the dinner will be branded the <your name> dinner, and you will be thanked during the evening for helping to cover the cost of the speakers' meals.

Coffee Sponsor

Coffee tokens from Sonar (2022)

Attendees have access to coffee urns during three breaks a day. This coffee is fine - but a good, hand served, barista coffee is hard to beat. Above the part of the venue we use is a public cafe area serving just such barista coffee!

This sponsorship would let you provide branded tokens or vouchers in the conference bag that can be redeemed in the coffee shop for up to two coffees (or four for workshop day attendees).

This would also be highlighted in the opening address and the sponsor thanked for buying everyone coffee! We introduced this sponsorship in 2022 and it has proved very popular with the attendees since.

Registration Reception Sponsor

Bags and badges from 2023

The evening before the main conference (immediately after the workshops) we open the registration desk and invite everyone that has already arrived to come and register early and enjoy a drink from the bar.

If this event is sponsored we can offer registrants free drinks and will brand the event "The <sponsor name> Registration Reception" in the schedule and you may place a roll-up by the registration desk.

Travel & Team Sponsorship

If you send three of more employees from the same company, we offer to mention and thank you in the opening sessions and (if arranged in time) your logo in the "Bronze" section of the website.

Or if you are an employer of a speaker and you cover their travel and accommodation expenses we can offer the same deal.

Please be sure to contact us to make arrangements if you wish to take advantage of this option.

Upgrades to full Bronze sponsorship (or beyond) are also available.

Community Sponsorship

The community works best when it works together. Swapping logos and links is an effective way to cross-promote events, services and resources within the community. Typical examples are: blogs, meet-ups, podcasts and other conferences. No money changes hands,

Logos will be featured on the website - on the sponsors page and also further down the front page and on the schedule page but randomised on load (not all community sponsors will be on every page view).

Background and stats

C++ on Sea has been running every year since 2019 - weathering the pandemic in its second and third years. We're now getting back to the growth that 2020 original promised.

Jetbrains Booth at C++ on Sea 2019

In our first year we had 250 in attendance in total. A small conference, but a strong start. We had expected to grow from there, but the pandemic had other ideas.

In 2022 we had 175 in-person (with another 44 online) - which was a good comeback compared to the industry in general. 2023 saw 220 in-person, as did 2024. So we expect that growth to continue.

Predictions are hard, especially about the future.

Undo Booth

We tend to attract a little over 50% of our attendees from the UK. The vast majority of the rest are from Western Europe, with a small number from further afield.

Most of our attendees are full-time C++ developers, spanning the range of experience, but with a skew towards expert level.

Let's talk

To discuss any of these options, or if you have other ideas you'd like to talk over, we'll be happy to talk to you.