Welcome to Gold sponsor, tipi.build

8th June 2023 at 13:27

We'd like welcome a new dev tools sponsor, tipi.build, who are supporting us as Gold sponsors this year. tipi.build are a fairly new company working on an ambitious concept for C++: improving and speeding up our builds - and all with minimal, if any, configuration!

Make sure you see them at the conference for the full scoop - but in the meantime, let's hear what they have to say:

tipi.build is here to transform your C++ development experience. Discover blazing fast remote CMake builds and caching. Built by C++ developers for C++ developers, Tipi simplifies the entire process, empowering you to focus on what you love – coding. Join our community of developers who have reclaimed their time, accelerated their workflows, and enjoy C++ every day.

tipi.build goes to C++ on Sea to connect with the C++ community, talk about builds and tooling in C++.