Maven join us as Platinum sponsor

27th April 2022 at 18:13

We're thrilled to announce that Maven Securities are supporting our first in-person conference, post-pandemic, as our Platinum sponsor! This is an important show of confidence, as we hit the big reset button - so our great thanks to Maven.

Maven are looking to recruit more great C++ developers - and they realise that the best way to do that is to become an active part of the community, themselves.

Here's a bit more about them, in their own words:

Conferences like ‘C++ on Sea’ are a cornerstone of the developer community and is a place we all turn to for inspiration. The ideas, the techniques, and the environment of collaboration are designed to promote the inclusion of all; from the grassroots programmer learning their trade, to the seasoned developer wanting to learn the latest features C++ has to offer. Maven is proud to support the C++ community.

As we turn 10 years old, we are firing on all cylinders and our passion for technology helps us exceed our business’ high ambitions. Our largest competitive edge comes from the diversity of techniques and technologies we utilise. Everything is on the table, from bleeding-edge C++ to FPGAs and microwave exchange links, we are constantly looking to improve our systems and ways of working. Engineering at Maven means leveraging all these technologies to develop new systems and seize new opportunities.

As a growing organisation, we have the ability to make a difference. With this in mind, Maven continues its commitment to becoming a diverse and inclusive workforce, whilst maintaining an environment that realises the full potential of our people.

What’s it like being a developer at Maven? We’ve shared some insights on our blog about how we write performance-critical code, how we use C++20 in our codebase, our focus on template meta-programming in interviews (as templates are the foundation of our codebase), and finally - one favourite topic of ours - how those aspiring to break into a job in technology should approach the challenge.

We have plans to share a lot more soon, so if you enjoy these, then do keep an eye on our blog, or even better, come over and say hello to us at our stall!