Free pizza for Wednesday's Movie Night!

2nd July 2024 at 11:09

Movie Night poster

C++ on Sea 2024 has kicked off! We're on day two of the new two-day workshops and already the energy for the week is building.

Another new feature this year will be the Movie Night on Wednesday evening. Hosted by the indefatigable Walter Brown, this will use "video excerpts and short movies" to "go on an entertaining journey exploring and celebrating the programming profession, allowing us to reflect on where we’ve come from, and what it is that makes our profession great."

The Movie Night will run from 20:00 until gone 22:30. All this content is very welcome, but eagle-eyed attendees will have noticed that, with only 30 minutes between the lightning talks at the Movie Night, there is not a lot of time for going out to eat!

So we have arranged with venue to lay on pizza for the evening. The pizza should be served in the break between the lightning talks and the Movie Night - so stick around to eat and enjoy the movies!

(As a side note, we originally had a sponsor who was interested in covering the cost of the pizza. They had to pull out, so currently we are covering this from the conference budget. If any sponsor would like their name attached to the pizza evening please do let us know.)