Beginners guide to C++'s best kept secret -- std::algorithm

Mike Shah

60 minute session
16:00-17:00, Thursday, 14th July 2022

One of the most beautiful parts of the standard library is also a best kept secret to beginning C++ programmers -- std::algorithm. Most new C++ programmers do not know the standard algorithms library exists! Often in introductory texts, online tutorials or university courses, std::algorithm cannot even be found in the table of contents! In this talk, I would like to provide a proper introduction to std::algorithm. I will introduce the library, show how you can rewrite your current code using std::algorithm, and also justify why you should be using std::algorithm today and in the future. After this talk, my goal is for beginner C++ programmers to leave excited about uncovering a new paradigm for programming in C++.


Mike Shah

I am currently an Assistant Teaching Professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. My primary teaching interests are in computer systems, computer graphics, and software engineering. My research interests are related to performance engineering (dynamic analysis), software visualization, and computer graphics.

Along with teaching and research work, I have juggled occasional consulting work as a 3D Senior Graphics Engineer in C++.