2020 Conference Rethink

26th March 2020 at 23:36

Given where we are now with the Coronavirus pandemic, a physical event in June no longer seems feasible - or responsible.

Our options, now, seem to be:

  • Cancel completely and wait until next year
  • Postpone to a later date
  • Move to an online format

None of these are ideal, but cancelling is our least favourite - especially given that we have a solid progamme arranged, and a lot of interest in the community. We would still prefer to hold an event in some form this year.

Postponing seems a natural choice, although there is uncertainty, at this point, whether it's going to be appropriate or practical to meet for large events at all this year. We hope it will be, but one thing the last few weeks has taught us is that expectations can be completely changed overnight.

Moving online seems the safest, and most resilient, option - but also the one that misses the most of the value of an event like C++ on Sea. It also raises additional issues of its own. But this is still better than cancelling completely.

So, as it stands, those two options: postponing (most likely to the end of September) or moving online, are what we are considering but we have not made a final decision yet. Since announcing this has delayed enough already, and it's not fair for people poised with travel and accomodation plans to keep them waiting, we wanted to be transparent about this.

So, first, to be perfectly clear: there will be no C++ on Sea event in Folkestone between 7th and 11th of June, this year. If you have booked accommodation and/ or travel, please contact your provider about cancelling as soon as possible (in most cases full refunds should be possible - but in case not it's worth holding onto your booking until closer to the time in case ongoing restrictions force providers to cancel anyway).

We will make a final decision shortly regarding the alternatives, as outlined above. But in the meantime you can help! If you have opinions or preferences please complete the following form and we'll consider the feedback in our decision.

C++ on Sea 2020 Alternate Planning form

Stay safe, stay well, and we hope to see you in some form or another in the not too distant future.